Róbert Gregor
Editor-in-chief and music editor
Professional bio:
- 1985 – passing of initial examination for a DJ-ing permit. Passing of second-level examination in 1987 (in those days, a permit granted subject to passing the relevant knowledge and technical exams was required for DJ-ing).
- 1985-1989 – organising of New Romantic, New Wave and Punk parties, mostly in the premises of student and underground clubs.
- 1991 – opening of the first music store in the Vajnorská culture house in Bratislava.
- 1992 – formation of Gregor Agency, a music agency and later a record label, which released many compilation albums and EPs of Slovak alternative artists, as well as albums of musicians and bands, such as Karol Mikloš, Ján Boleslav Kladivo, Martin Burlas, Kosa z nosa, Živé kvety or Ali Ibn Rachid.
- 1992-2004 – editor and presenter of music shows on Rock FM radio and Slovak Radio, such as Rockomotion, Pyramída, Hacienda, Hudba sveta (Music of the World), Klub 2000 or Nočný život (Night Life) + DJ-ing at a variety of parties in Bratislava’s Kominárska, U-Club, Duna or Rock Pop Jazz clubs and in clubs and halls in cities all over Slovakia.
- 1993-1997 – working in Radio Ragtime, presenting both daytime shows and evening music specials.
- 1999 – member of the EBU (European Broadcasting Union) jury for the prestigious World Music Charts Europe album chart compiled by music editors from European countries. Thanks to this activity, he later represented Slovak Radio at international music workshops in Berlin, London, Lisbon or Bucharest.
- 2004-2011 – working in Radio_FM, presenting regular shows Hudba sveta (Music of the World) and Večer s Robom Gregorom (Evening with Robo Gregor).
- 2007 – transformation of Gregor Agency to Gregor Agency – G.A. Records s.r.o. Successful album releases for Mango Molas and Puding Pani Elvisovej. Later, the label’s catalogue included albums by bands such as Hudba z Marsu, Shellwoy, Billy Barman, AMO, The Cellmates or Kvety Nikotínu.
- 2011 – formation of the concert agency Slovakia Concerts and management of bands and artists, such as Hudba z Marsu, Billy Barman, The Cellmates, Pressburger Klezmer Band, Swan Bride, Unisex, Hafner, Vinyl and others.
- 2012 – formation of a music e-shop www.cdclub.eu
- 1995-2014 – occasional contributions to a variety of magazines.
- 2014 – formation of New Model Radio
- 2015 – member of Transglobal World Music Charts www.transglobalwmc.com
Contact: info@newmodelradio.sk
Miroslav Potoček
Writer and music journalist
Professional bio:
- School – Slovak Folk Majolica – artistic ceramist. Active as a music journalist.
- 1974 – first experience as a DJ (preferred artists: Roxy Music, Sparks, 10cc, Queen).
- 1977 – the first in a series of theatre music presentations (preferred artists: Alan Parson Project, Tangerine Dream, Vangelis).
- 1977 – first party presenting Punk and New Wave (preferred artists: the Sex Pistols, the Ramones, the Stranglers, Patti Smith).
- 1978 – first party presenting electronic music (preferred artists: Kraftwerk, Gary Numan – Tubeway Army, Giorgio Moroder).
- 1985 – co-founder of the Independent Music Club association. The association is dedicated to promoting alternative music and the independent scene.
- 1987-90 – first alternative music parties in Bratislava (Unique Club – Mlynská dolina, Mladá Garda, Steps, Secondary Medical School).
- A visit to the Polish alternative festival Marchewka in Warsaw.
- 1987 – personal contact with bands such as Wolgang Press or Minimal Compact.
- 1987 – publication of the first independent music fanzine Independent.
- 1991-1993 – first official articles about the independent scene in the Populár magazine.
- 1992 – presenter of radio music show on Slovak Radio – (Nick Cave, PJ Harvey, R.E.M., etc.)
- 1993-98 – presenter of indie and world music radio shows on Radio Ragtime.
- 1998-2003 – music editor for Literary Revue with Dado Nagy, a radio show on Twist radio.
- Continued journalistic activities in a variety of periodicals – the Nový čas daily, M Report, 5D, SME daily, Diners Club, .týždeň weekly.
Contact: miro@newmodelradio.sk
Culture events editor
Professional bio:
- Biba’s entire professional life revolves around music.
- She has been a radio person for over 20 years and has extensive experience in this field.
- She started on IRŠ, the dorm radio station in Bratislava’s Mlynská dolina and continued as a presenter on Ragtime Radio and Fun Radio, and was behind the Pohoda and Pohoda Live shows on Radio_FM for over 10 years.
- In addition, she has been engaged in the Slovak music scene backstage, doing management and PR for bands such as Noisecut, Sto múch and others.
Contact: biba@newmodelradio.sk
Ladislav Mlčúch 
Music collector and correspondent
Professional bio:
- 1993-1997, School – Šaľa grammar school, high school radio presenter (60s-70s rock music.)
- 1998-2003 – University of Economics in Bratislava, graduated in 2003 Occasional contributions to radio music shows on Rock FM, Ragtime, Twist, N-Radio, etc.
- 2005-2007 – DJ-ing at parties in Metroklub, at Colourfest and the Šaľa Culture House (world music, indies, alternative)
- 1990s – present, active member of the Independent Music Club with a focus on finding and archiving musical gems in almost all music genres.
- 2004 – present, work in international companies (international trade), occasional journalistic work focusing on music and international affairs (webzines).
Contact: laco@newmodelradio.sk
Karol Mikloš
English translator
Professional bio:
- Karol is a well-known musician and English translator.
- He has translated for the Office of the Government, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Public Affairs Institute or the Kaligram publishing house.
Contact: karol@newmodelradio.sk
Pavol Veselský
Editor and web administrator
Professional bio:
- 1996 – present, internet portal, e-shop and web design and programming (significant participation in the woman.sk on-line magazine, long-time collaboration with Robo Gregor, e.g. gregoragency.sk, cdclub.eu, Happy Band and, naturally, newmodelradio.sk)
- 1999 – present, video editing and post-production, interactive DVD projects, DVD authoring and pre-mastering (collaboration with acclaimed creator of mountain and adventure films Pavol Barabáš, animator Katarína Kerekešová, documentary film-maker Peter Kerekeš, or film and television director Róbert Šveda)
- 2012, graduate of the Multimedia Communication Faculty of Tomas Bata University in Zlín, specialisation in fine and audiovisual arts
Contact: veslo@newmodelradio.sk
Correspondents and co-workers:Mgr Art Norman Šáro, Zoe Prívozníková, Petr Dorůžka, Jiří Moravčík, Michal Neffe, Richard Gregor, Zdeněk Neusar, Martina Mlčúchová, Alexander Čerevka, Matej Kráľ, Edo Kopček, Ľubomír Gregor, Irena Belanová, Boris Hudák